Create meaningful scan data reports

View tobacco sales in real-time and experience seamless direct reports to manufacturers and vendors. Direct reporting creates faster responses for reimbursements and provides efficient sales reporting to save you time. 
iMac screen displaying Modisoft smoke shop scan data report interface.
Screen displaying Modisoft scan data interface.

Integrate data with direct imports for all promotions 

Input updated information into Insights to monitor and track promotional campaigns. With real-time data you can view deals, access loyalty programs, and adapt the price of items from Phillip Morris API and more. 

Send data reports and receive manufacturer rebates sent directly to you 

A woman standing in the convenience store is writing the inventory on the notepad.
Screen displaying scan data opened in the Modisoft POS system dashboard.

Create scan data reports from our POS system and mobile app

Select a date range to create scan data reports. Clear data on all promotions and loyalty programs helps you determine future campaigns and connections with manufacturers. 

Deliver accurate data reports with Insights

Switch to automatic reporting without the need to manually input data. Automatic reports are sent directly to your connected devices to help you adapt to new insights and improve future sales. 
A woman standing in the smoke shop is on a call while holding a tablet.

Streamline your workload with automated pricing

Save time with automated pricing imported directly. Utilize features such as Altria’s APO that integrates prices on tobacco products and improves accuracy on all reports.
Screen displaying Modisoft automated price data report interface.