Organize employee records easily

Keep everything on track by organizing your employees’ information in one place. Modisoft Employee Management Software provides a comprehensive set of tools that will ensure your organization can thrive.
The laptop screen displays the Modisoft employee management interface.
Screen displaying Modisoft payroll report interface.

Access payroll reports from anywhere

Insights gives you direct access to payroll reports from any location. With the ability to view reports within one dashboard, you can track earnings, pay invoices, and view employee schedules. 

Review past employee activity

Access and review a full report of hard-working employees who worked for you previously. A comprehensive log can offer insight into employee shifts and past hours. 

Screen displaying past employee activity report interface.
Screen displaying employee timesheet.

Make scheduling easier with timesheets

Simplify schedules with Insights

Two employees standing in the convenience store are discussing location management.

Manage locations more efficiently and create time for other tasks to be completed by qualified and dedicated employees.

Employee Standing in the convenience store.

Allow for employees to quickly start tasks with the ability to clock-in online or on our mobile app without delay. 

Convenience store owner viewing employee schedule report.

Customize schedules and easily allow for shift swaps and requests for days off to increase employee satisfaction.

Screen displaying employee schedule set up interface.

Set schedules without the hassle

Set up schedules without issues for different employees, teams, and locations. Manage it all in our comprehensive system that streamlines tasks and ensures all shifts are covered.