Manage your liquor inventory remotely

Modisoft liquor inventory management software makes it easy for you to manage your stores’ inventory from anywhere. Easily track and update your stock levels at a click.
Screen displaying product inventory interface.
A woman standing with a man in a liquor store is picking up a liquor bottle.

Place products perfectly

Modisoft inventory management software lets you easily organize your liquor products effectively. Keep track of top-performing products to keep your customers coming back for more.

Precise inventory management

Manage your liquor inventory precisely with Modisoft. Make your operations more efficient by staying on the pulse of your liquor products.
Screen displaying liquor product inventory interface.
A woman standing in the liquor store is holding a liquor bottle.

Get Updates on Trending Products & Customer Purchasing Habits

Track customer purchasing habits and stay updated on trending products with Modisoft inventory management software. With Modisoft you can improve your sales by getting direct Insights into your transaction reports.

Create special promotions to invite customers to your site 

Best selling items

Give customers access to place orders ahead of time and choose an option for pick up. 

Screen displaying Inventory report interface.

Total sales

Broaden the ability for customers to receive products without extra fees directly from your liquor store. 

Screen displaying total sales report interface.

Quantity of items in stock/sold

Gives your customers the ability to receive their order without having to step out of their car. 

Screen displaying inventory count interface.
Screen displaying Modisoft liquor store dashboard interface.

Access your dashboard remotely

Access your dashboard from any connected device. With Modisoft you can take control of your business from anywhere, anytime.

Seamlessly manage sales & transactions

Manage your sales and transactions seamlessly with Modisoft. Regardless of how many liquor stores you have, our system enables you to manage daily sales and past transactions easily.
A male employee standing in a liquor store is placing liquor store bottles On the Shelve.
The screen is displaying the Modisoft inventory management interface.

Receive transaction data in seconds

View your receipts and receive transactions instantly. With Modisoft inventory management software, it becomes easy for you to receive transactions in real-time directly from anywhere.