Get real-time updates of your fast food locations

Get access to track and view all your fast food locations from one convenient dashboard. Modisoft Multi-Location Management provides you with real-time updates for every location. You get transparency and accuracy in managing your fast food restaurants.
Screen displaying Modisoft sale POS live.
Restaurant floor view

Update & manage your price book remotely

Synchronize inventory and manage your price book across multiple locations hassle-free. Modisoft Multi-Location Management System allows you to easily access data, update inventory, and track orders from one dashboard.

Easily manage and update your price book from anywhere

Screen displaying Modisoft Cartzie global price book interface.
Group of friends are having dinner at the full service restaurant.

Get live sales updates for all your locations

Switch to Modisoft to stay updated on every sale. You can view live sales for all your fast food locations from one central dashboard.

Create and adjust pricing zones 

Easily assign pricing to specific regions and restaurant locations from one dashboard. With the ability to control pricing from anywhere, you can adjust prices without hassle.
Screen displaying Modisoft product price book interface.
Chef and manager are standing in the restaurant.

Get a full overview of operations in one place

Get accurate reports for transactions & inventory levels

Prevent human error by saying goodbye to manual reports. With Modisoft Multi Location Management System you receive accurate reports for transactions and inventory levels.
Screen displaying Modisoft Send to POS interface.
A waitress standing in the restaurant is holding order book.

Bring efficiency to your restaurant operations

Get access to a variety of tools that give you the power to run your business operations more efficiently. With Modisoft restaurant features, you can stay on top of business operations.

Instantly track every transaction

Monitor every transaction across all locations and stay updated on your inventory and sales. You can track transactions in real-time through one dashboard.
Screen displaying Modisoft sales data interface.